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Information Technology Agency 

The Brief:

The Information Technology Agency (ITA) works with agencies and departments across the City of Los Angeles to develop world-class IT infrastructure and applications that provide our citizens, businesses, and visitors with the digital services they expect from a leading global city. 

In an era of transformative technology, the opportunities have never been greater to improve the lives of L.A. residents, businesses, and tourists through digital means. The ITA recognizes this demand and its unique role as technology leaders in L.A. government.



The Problem:

ITA website has trouble engaging users due to lack of proper content, information, and has problems in UI design. 

Job seekers have confusing navigate and lack information a complicated job application process.

Homepage                                                                                  About page                                                                    Find job


Our Research started with Heuristic Evaluation: 

A heuristic evaluation is a way to test whether a website is user-friendly.  Unlike user-testing, where the site (or prototype) is evaluated by users, in a heuristic evaluation the site is evaluated by usability experts. 

Content Audit

Next step we did a content audit to see what information is currently available on the website and how it would help the users to understand ITA. Through this exercise, we learned that the main parts of the website need more content and information can navigation easier and more intuitive for the users.


User Interview:

To get a better idea of the job seekers' needs, we conducted interviews with ITA's new hires to understand the main points through the hiring process.

The process is long and confusing,

No overview of the City's hiring process

No status updates for months at a time

Not enough information about  ITA 


Stakeholder Interview:

We also conducted stakeholder interviews to better understand ITA's business goals. We used the brand prism to help stakeholders breakdown what they are trying to communicate through the ITA website.  Also in the meantime, we were able to figure out other potential visitors of the ITA website that help us in design processes. 

User Persona:

After the interview processes, To help keep the target users in mind we choose Amy as My user persona.  Amy a recent college graduate  in computer science, based in Los Angeles 

User Journey Map: 

Then I draw a journey map for Amy’s job application process to better Identify a good way for a solution to design better navigate the job process.

The Solution: 

Re-design and Re-structure content and improve UI to get users to better understand ITA and encourage job seekers to apply for ITA positions. Add much-needed hiring-related information to the website so that job applicants are more satisfied with the hiring process.

The New design:

All information and data we get from our research help us to mad make a new sitemap that informs the database and navigation design.





See the prototype below or  Click here to open it in a new window: 

 Next Step:

*A section dedicated to Vendors with information on BAVN and how to work with ITA and/or the City of LA.

*Career ladders added to the Full-Time page with more info on growth opportunities.

*Application status page where an applicant can check on their job application status.

*A unique content created by ITA with announcements, tips, and other news, and more effective use of social media.

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