Los Angeles Police Department
Internal Website Redesign - NDA
The Los Angeles Police Department's website is where employees have access to the most up-to-date announcements and department events.
Role: UX/UI Designer & Researcher
There were certain aspects of the internal website that we wanted to make improvements on. One being that the website had not been updated for years and the website is inefficient with navigation. Also, we wanted to highlight and prioritize more essential news to make it easier for users' to navigate the site.
Design Goals
The goal is to create a more modern interface that will allow users to navigate the internal website more efficently. I did this by creating tabs and decluttering the LAPD's website to create a clean look to emphasize more essential announcements of the day.
We wanted to emphasize a Heroic Vision to capture users’ attention by bringing about a sense of emotion and highlighting the most important news. This will allow for valuable content to be showcased, rather than dimmed in value. Adding visually appealing imagery will grab the audience's attention and allow them to gravitate to what’s most popular, allowing for more straightforward navigation. A Side Menu Bar was proposed to aide in page organization and categorize information in a more minimalistic way. Furthermore, data was previously gathered, and it was noted that the majority of the department employees use the internal site to discover the latest events. Hence, creating an Upcoming Events, Tab was utilized to allow users to navigate to the latest updates and announcements in a click of a button. Rearrangement of Tabs/Icons was used to aid in more comfortable user experience. The location of the Calendar Icon was moved from the bottom of the page to the top. And the pre-existing Chief’s Message and General Postings were altered to appear more minimalistic. In conclusion, with the new proposal, the LAPD’s internal website appears more clean, modern and organized to allow a more efficient user experience.